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P1080031.JPG DSC00091.JPG ka_007.jpg PICT0050.JPG 5 007.jpg

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File information
Album name:Viva / My life!!
Filesize:93 KiB
Date added:%610 %05, %2006
Dimensions:1720 x 1132 pixels
Displayed:394 times
DateTime Original:2006:11:10 11:39:25
EXIF Image Height:1872 pixels
Flash:Compulsory Flash, Return light detected
Image Description:
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:72 dots per ResolutionUnit
YCbCrPositioning:Datum Point
Favourites:Add to Favourites

Comment 1 to 9 of 9
Page: 1

Mailz   [%577 %05, %2006 pm30 %0:%Sep %p]
Классная татушка! Wink
Dobermann   [%743 %05, %2006 pm30 %0:%Sep %p]
Я бы уже пару конечностей сломал за такую фотку...
Amazonka   [%757 %05, %2006 pm30 %0:%Sep %p]
sexy babochka Wink
Freezer   [%729 %06, %2006 pm30 %0:%Sep %p]
2Dobermann - кому? Shocked Question
Dobermann   [%815 %06, %2006 pm30 %0:%Sep %p]
Виве, нефиг чужим мужикам такое показывать. я домостроевец. ага. воспитанный в сибирских пуританских домах. но вообще, я довольно серьезно...
Viva   [%840 %06, %2006 pm30 %0:%Sep %p]
Freezer   [%869 %06, %2006 pm30 %0:%Sep %p]
Да ладно... Во всеx есть чуть-чуть myspace whore Cool
xel   [%507 %08, %2006 am30 %0:%Sep %p]
2Freezer: it's not about whoring its about self esteem issues that all of us have from time to time. Don't take it as an offense, we all have self esteem issues. Anyway, her putting pix like that on here is seeking some sort of validation that she is still hot and wanted. Sort of like me putting pix of the food i cook, so I can get validation that this sh8t is actually eat-able. Anyway, freezer, weekend is coming up and this girl needs some lovin' and lots of compliments, which she will definitely get *hint hint Wink
P.S: Viva you and I should get together for some photo sessions... you know, since I cook and you pose and all. I usually don't do nude, but for you would have to make an exception Laughing
Freezer   [%564 %09, %2006 pm30 %0:%Sep %p]
2xel: If myspace whoring, as a term, isn't about self esteem issues, then what is it about? Very Happy

Comment 1 to 9 of 9
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