Фотоальбомы на Funtik.com - Русский Ванкувер - Фотоальбомы - Общение

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45min before
 45min before...the celebration begins..
Keywords: 45min before

45min before

45min before...the celebration begins..

Image(378).jpg bearwarning.jpg KGB-FM_6227_337.jpg P1011894cropped.JPG PREVED!.gif

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File information
Filename:45min before.jpg
Album name:Виды города Ванкувера
Rating (1 votes):33333
Keywords:45min / before
Filesize:337 KiB
Date added:%572 %28, %2004
Dimensions:950 x 672 pixels
Displayed:71 times
EXIF Image Height:672 pixels
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:300 dots per ResolutionUnit
Favourites:Add to Favourites

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